At the start of every year, I love to take the opportunity to review how I got on the year before, and to set fresh goals for the new year. Here are the goals I set myself for 2019.
After a reasonably successful year in 2018 pursuing my goals, this year I have set myself 8 goals. I plan to give a monthly update on how I’ve been getting on with these - hopefully with a YouTube video too.
Here are my 8 goals:
1. Achieve a weight and size that feels healthy for me
I would like to lose some weight, make healthier food choices and take time for myself to do things that make me feel good. This includes looking after my appearance with haircuts, manicures, pedicures and the occasional tan. My ultimate goal is to be able to wear size 12 clothes again.
2. Have my first £7K profit month from my income hustles, by the end of the year
This is my biggest stretch goal for the year. If you’ve been regularly following my income & profit reports, you will know that I haven’t yet had a £1k profit month! Achieving £7,000 in profit will not only be a massive stretch for me, if I’m able to achieve it, it will be life changing.
With this kind of regular monthly profit I can declare income freedom for myself, meaning I will no longer need to work for anyone else again.
I have a lot of work to do to hit this target, but it’s a challenge I am excited to take on.
3. Grow my Inspiring Life Design brand
The intention of this goal is to continue to grow this blog and my YouTube channel, as well as my social media so that I have a place to offer future services and products from.
I would ultimately like to be able to provide coaching and mentoring, courses and products to help others become financially free.
If you’d like to follow along with my financial freedom journey and even start/share your own journey with me, please consider signing up at the following:
- Subscribe on YouTube (not all YouTube content is shared on the blog so you will get notified of new videos by subscribing)
- Follow me on:
4. Plan and take at least 2 holidays this year
Last year we had a wonderful holiday to Disneyland Paris with family. However it was just a 5 night break and it was non-stop. We were exhausted by the end of it, and I felt like I needed a holiday to recover afterward!
We didn’t have any other holidays last year (other than a 2 night weekend camping trip) and I feel like I’m in need of a longer break this year.
Hopefully we will take a 2 week holiday to Europe with family (probably France) and a trip to Paris or the Lake District just for the 2 of us (my boyfriend and I).

5. Learn a new skill
One of the favourite things I learned from Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within, is that we should never stop learning. Here’s some of the things I learned in previous years.
When we stop learning we stop growing > when we stop growing, well we become bored & stale. Or as Tony puts it:
If you’re not growing, you’re dying.
I have a long list of books on my “to-read” list, most of which have been recommended to me by people I admire or trust. I try to spend at least 30 minutes most days reading something which will open my mind and introduce new wisdom.
I currently have several books on the go! These are:
- Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo
- Conversations With God book 2 by Neale Donald Walsch
- Money, Master The Game by Tony Robbins
To satisfy this year’s learning goal I want to learn a new skill. My initial thoughts are that I’d like to enhance my skill level in editing videos. Or alternatively I’d really like to take a make-up course, so that I can understand how to properly apply my make-up, including which brushes and products to use when!
6. Invest £30K into ISA’s toward my FIRE goal
I am a passionate fan of the FIRE movement (Financially Independent/Retire Early). My long-term goal is to save and invest enough money to cover my annual expenses indefinitely. This can be done by accruing 25 times your annual expenses in investments. This assumes that it’s save to withdraw 4% of your total invested pot annually.
I have calculated my financial freedom number (see how to create yours in my “Create Your Freedom Plan” posts). For the past couple of years I have been saving into my Pension and stocks & shares ISAs toward this long-term goal.
This year I want to put £20K into a 2018/2019 ISA and a further £10K into a 2019/2020 ISA. This is another massive stretch goal for me. At some point I should be receiving some inheritance money (after a property sale goes through), but I have no idea when that is likely to be. I haven’t been earning normal income since June of 2018, having finished my last IT contract in May. This means I’ve been watching my pennies very closely and I’ve purposely not locked money away into an ISA yet until I have a better idea of what is happening from my income hustle profits and decisions around further IT contracts.
7. Donate £600 to charities
Last year I donated £489 to charity. I have been regularly donating to charities (with direct debits and standing orders set-up) since 2007. This year I pledge to donate £600 to charitable courses.
At some point I intend to choose a charitable initiative to support which I can save up for, such as toilet block twinning or building a school. Until the point when I choose a project to support I will continue donating to my existing charities which include Cancer Research UK, Aquinoe Learning Centre in Africa and the Starlight Children’s Foundation.
8. Make a plan for how/when I can attend Tony Robbins’ Mastery University
My final goal for 2019 is a planning goal. I really want to go to more Tony Robbins events. There are 3 which together form his Mastery University program:
To sign-up for Mastery University at one of Tony’s events is super expensive (in the region of £6k), plus there are travel and accommodation costs on top of this as the events are not run in the UK. I know realistically that I cannot afford to go to any of these events this year, but I can make a plan for how I can save up enough money to go in a future year. That’s what this goal is all about.
So that’s my goals. Have you set any goals for yourself this year? I’d love to hear about them. Let me know what they are in the comments, or give me the link to your blog!

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Previous & Next Posts
My PREVIOUS post gave the final update on my income and profit totals for 2018
In my NEXT post I share my Valentine’s gift guide that’s suitable for every budget

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