Now that I’ve finished my review of how I got on with my goals last year, it’s time to set some fresh new goals for 2020!
If you missed last week’s update, you can catch-up on how I got on with my goals in 2019 to give you a flavour of the kind of goals I set for myself.
In a move away from my usual goal setting process, I decided to set goals for the next 6 months instead of for the full year. The reason for this is because I often find part-way through the year that my aspirations have shifted slightly, or new opportunities have come along that I’d like to pursue. I would prefer to have a review point scheduled around late June time to set goals for the remaining 6 months of the year.
I follow an approach to dividing my goals into categories, having learnt about this while doing Tony Robbins’ Time Of Your Life program last year.
I have 8 personal categories and 4 business categories:
- Physical body health
- Outstanding family life
- Extraordinary friendships
- Spiritual and growth
- Absolute financial freedom
- Home sweet home
- Feeling alive and adventurous
- Giving back in a big way
- Serving my Inspiring Life Design community
- Growing my Inspiring Life Design community
- Distributor of life changing products
- Manager of Inspiring Life Design (mostly an admin category)
Under each of these categories or roles that I have in my life, I set myself goals.
In total for 2020 my goals for the first 6 months total 59! Phew that’s a lot. However many of these are more action items moving me forward in different areas of my life, than big challenging goals.
In today’s post I will be sharing 24 goals with you across 7 categories. The other goals are either more personal in nature, or I didn’t want to bore you with them because they’re more to do with admin things that I must do these next 6 months!
So here we go with my goals for 2020…

Category: Spiritual & Growth
GOAL 1: Finish Tony Robbins’ Ultimate Edge audio program
I received this program as one of the bonuses with the Knowledge Broker Blueprint course that I did last year. I’ve been working through it alongside some of my friends who I chat to every weekday morning on my daily intention call.
This is really one of Tony’s must-do audio programs as it’s comprehensive and it really works on your mindset and beliefs so that you can finally do the things you’ve been wanting to achieve, but have been unsuccessful at before.
GOAL 2: Read 3 self growth books
I want to take more time for reading books that can teach me things. Making time for reading is something that I constantly struggle with. This goal is to encourage me to get into a habit of reading regularly.
GOAL 3: Do at least 2 meditations guided by Master Stephen Co
Master Co speaks at Tony’s Unleash The Power Within events around the world - on the 4th day which is all about health and well-being. I find his meditations and exercises moving, calming and good for my spiritual well being. It’s possible to sign-up to Master Co’s mailing list where you are then sent notifications of upcoming live meditations that you can join in on (for free). The twin hearts meditation that he does is particularly moving, and there are often meditations to join when there is a full moon.
GOAL 4: Set goals for the next 6 months July-December 2020
This one’s pretty self-explanatory - but I want to be sure to do a half-yearly review and reset of my goals.
Category: Absolute Financial freedom
GOAL 5: Fill my 2019/2020 ISA with £20K before April 5th
My big life-goal is to become financially free/independent as soon as possible - ideally by the time I reach 50. My strategy includes saving into tax efficient ISA accounts every year.
If you’ve never heard of an ISA it stands for Individual Savings Account and is a tax efficient way of saving and investing in the UK. Every year there is a personal allowance of up to £20K which can be invested into an ISA. You can choose different types of ISA such as cash ISA’s and stocks & shares ISA’s where you invest in the stock market.
I use stocks and shares ISA’s to invest in low cost funds which means I’m spread across a range of stocks/shares/bonds through these funds.
The beauty of ISA’s is that when you come to withdraw money from them, you don’t pay any tax. My goal is to build an investment pot that is sufficient to allow me to live off the profits assuming a 3-4% withdrawal rate per year. I have written about this strategy before if you’re intrigued as to how this works.
This year I need to research a new ISA account to open with a different provider to my current provider - I’m spreading my risk across different banks so that I should be able to stay protected by the £85K FSCS bank protection limit.
So a big part of this goal is finding the time to do some research and pick the best ISA for me. If you’re looking to open an ISA I can highly recommend using the comparison table at
GOAL 6: Reformat my finance spreadsheets
I have been budgeting, tracking and financially planning for the future using the same spreadsheet concept for over 15 years now! I created the first iteration of this spreadsheet to help me manage my credit card debt that I’d racked up at the time, so that I could work out a route to repay it in full. I also needed to get better at planning for annual and unexpected bills which always used to catch me off guard.
Since creating the initial spreadsheet it has been through many, many iterations over the years! I’m always tweaking it so that it suits my latest needs.
A new iteration is desperately needed because I want to create some new savings pots, split out my sole trader business accounts and add in a charity saving target. This goal is to take the time to update my spreadsheets to suit my latest needs.
GOAL 7: Transfer the excess cash that is in my current account to my instant access savings accounts
Last year I finally investigated and opened a savings account with a reasonable interest rate. I transferred an initial amount of money into the savings account to test that everything worked fine, but since then I haven’t transferred any more money into it. This goal is to scrape the excess cash that’s in my current account (emergency savings) into the savings account so that I can earn interest until I need to use that money. My current account does not generate any interest, and cash that doesn’t make interest loses money over time due to inflation - so this is an important exercise to do!
GOAL 8: Keep my finance spreadsheets up-to-date on a monthly basis through to June 2020
Sometimes I don’t update my finance budget/tracker spreadsheet as often as I should. This goal is to trigger me to be better at keeping it up to date with what I have actually spent!
Category: Feeling Alive & Adventurous
GOAL 9: Interview Dean Graziosi for my YouTube channel
Last year through my involvement with the Knowledge Broker Blueprint course I was incredibly fortunate to learn from and meet Dean Graziosi, the multi-millionaire best selling author & entrepreneur.
This year I am excited to say that I was able to secure an online video interview with Dean which I will be posting in February on my YouTube channel.
I’m thrilled to say that I have already achieved this goal because I carried out the interview last week. I was extremely outside of my comfort zone filming this video because Dean is a role model of mine and I look up to him and respect him. He’s a very busy man and I was very aware of that!
This goals is already ACHIEVED as I definitely felt alive and adventurous while doing the interview!
Category: Giving Back In A Big Way
GOAL 10: Give 1% of Inspiring Life Design profits to charity
Giving to charity has been an important part of my entire adult life. At the moment, while I’m building up my own online business, I’m not making a huge profit and it doesn’t yet even cover my basic monthly expenses. However, it’s important to me to know that I am setting aside some portion of my income to GIVE. Setting a percentage rather than a fixed monetary amount felt like a sensible approach to take this year.

Category: Serving My Inspiring Life Design Community
GOAL 11: Pick The Niche I Am Building My Business To Serve
Determining my specific niche is something I have been doing quite a bit of work on over the past few months. I’m not 100% decided on it yet, but my current thinking is that I want to support personal development enthusiasts who have chosen to pursue financial freedom. Does this sound like you? Do you love reading self improvement books, listening to podcasts and watching educational films? Are you working to become financially independent (or plan to do so)? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to hear if these two areas appeal to you, because if they do - that’s where my content & products are going to focus as I move forward.
GOAL 12: Write Down Who My Ideal Customer Is And What They Need
Following on from goal number 11 I want to get clear about who it is I am trying to help and support. In industry lingo this is referred to as creating an avatar - a full description and breakdown of your ideal customer.
GOAL 13: Create An Achievable 12 Month Content Plan for Inspiring Life Design
This is to get organised so that I know what I want to write about in advance, rather than choosing what to write about on the same day that I sit down to write!
GOAL 14: Create & Schedule Content For Inspiring Life Design
This goal feeds directly off goal number 13. Once I have a plan for what I intend to publish this year, I want to create content ahead of schedule. This is another “getting organised” goal! Ideally I’d like to get 3 months ahead, so that I never have a mad rush in any given week to get a post ready to go out! (Yes that happens quite frequently!)
GOAL 15: Grow My Email List Subscriptions From 47 to 350
A big focus for me this year is growing my brand, and my email list is a massive part of this strategy.
GOAL 16: Increase Inspiring Life Design Domain Authority From 25 to 26
DA or Domain Authority is just one of many ways that the popularity and success of a website is measured. The DA range is 1 to 100 where 1 is a brand new website, and 100 is at Google type levels! Over the past couple of years my DA has steadily been increasing, but as I reached the twenties the rate of increase slowed down. Whereas at one time my DA used to go up about once a month, now it’s many months in-between. I can help improve my DA by seeking more links to my website from other websites with good DA scores. So things like link swaps and guest posting on other people’s sites help with this.
Why is DA important? Well it’s one of the measures that brands use to determine whether they would like to work with you. I’d love to get more sponsored posts (that align with my niche) in the future.
GOAL 17: Hit 1,000 Sessions Within A 30 Day Period
This is another website growth goal and a bit nerdy! A session counts as the period of time a user is actively engaged with the website. So if someone visits my site and looks around continuously that counts as 1 session. However if/when that user becomes inactive on the site, after a 30 minute period of inactivity that ends the session. If that user comes back later then a new session is started.
I could have used various different metrics for this goal (page views, unique visitors) but I decided to settle on sessions because I know that some brands use this as their acceptance criteria.
Category: Growing My Inspiring Life Design Community
GOAL 18: Create A 12 Month YouTube Content plan
This is very similar to Goal 13, but this time it’s creating my plan for YouTube. I am happy to say that I have already 25% completed this goal because I’ve planned my YouTube content through the end of March.
GOAL 19: Grow YouTube Subscribers From 351 To 1,000
I have to confess I’ve caught the bug with YouTube. I’ve always loved filming videos since I was at school, it’s a great creative outlet. This year I’d really love to grow my channel and provide some truly great content.
GOAL 20: Grow Instagram Follower Count From 2,330 To 3,000
This will be tough. My Instagram follower count has stayed pretty much the same for at least 6 months. But what the heck - might as well try! It is my favourite social media platform.
GOAL 21: Grow Twitter Follower Count From 1,434 To 2,000
While I’m at it I would love to hit 2K with my Twitter account!
Category: Distributor Of Life Changing products
GOAL 22: Fully Support The Knowledge Broker Blueprint 2.0 Launch
Being an affiliate partner for the Knowledge Broker Blueprint last year changed my life. It gave me confidence, taught me new skills, introduced me to new role models and fellow entrepreneurs and opened many doors for me. I love this course and the ethos behind it. It’s so good to find a product & community that aligns so beautifully with my values and with my brand.
There’s no question in my mind that I will be promoting this fabulous course with pride this year.
GOAL 23: STRETCH GOAL - Create An Evergreen Course
This may be a stretch too far for the next 6 months, but I would love to create an online course to help people with their journey to financial freedom, which they can sign-up to at any time - without me needing to run any live modules.
GOAL 24: Create Printables To Sell On Inspiring Life Design
As I’ve worked my way through various steep learning curves on my online entrepreneurial journey, there’s been many times where I’ve thought “I wish I could just get someone to do this for me instead of having to reinvent the wheel myself!”
I love the idea of “done for you”. So it’s in my plan to create some downloadable templates, social media formatted images and various other things that I can put into my Inspiring Life Design shop. Anything I can do to give someone else a helping hand!
This post has ended up being much longer than I originally anticipated! If you’re still with me, well done and thank you. That’s my 2020 goals to take me to the end of June.
Did you set any goals for yourself this year? I’d love to know what they are - drop me a note in the comments!
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Previous & Next Posts
In my PREVIOUS post I shared how I got on with my 2019 goals.
In my NEXT post I write about How To Breakthrough Overwhelm To Start Making Progress.

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