Show Me The Money Bloggers 3 Conference AND the SHOMO Awards 2017!

Show Me The Money Bloggers 3 Conference and the SHOMO Awards 2017 logo

I am extremely proud and privileged to be a member of UK Money Bloggers, a thriving community of bloggers, podcasters, youtubers and money entrepreneurs.

Once a year they hold their SHOMO (Show Me The Money) Conference and Awards ceremony, and today, Saturday 23rd September 2017 is the day!

This is my first year attending the conference. In fact the reason I know of this community at all is because I saw a fellow blogger post about last year’s event, which prompted me to apply to join. So I’m very excited to be sat on a train on an adventure into London, ready to meet lots of new people and hopefully learn plenty of tips and skills which will help me improve my blogging and money making ventures.

Show Me The Money Conference - Corinna on train to London
On the train headed for the Shomos in London

Previous & Next Posts

backward arrow for previous post   forward arrow for next post My last post was about starting a new adventure in blogging.
  In my next post you can read about my expectations of Fincon 2017.
